We put a few ads on craigslist, a couple of emails were sent out, and the message was spread word-of-mouth that Mormor is looking for artists to fill it's soon to be spacious area. The response we received was incredible! Of course we knew the local area was brimming with talent, but we were so amazed at the variety and the breadth and depth of imagination. The latest editions to the NEW shop this April include, but are not limited to: Photography, wire jewelry, oil paintings, and girls dresses, just in time for the season!
If you're one of the new talents, thank you, and welcome to our little world!
The whole experience of Mormor itself has been so refreshing; learning that, in a world of chain stores and corporations, there are still people who are inspired and driven to sell their handmade goods. What is even more exciting, is that there are still people out there, not only willing, but who are specifically looking to purchase handmade goods.
As the transition to the new space continues, we will keep you updated with news from our new artists, progress on
Margaret and Ellen's studio and anything else new & exciting!